The Hanoi Towers
This is an animation I hacked together to show how the
problem of the Hanoi Towers
is solved. It uses OpenGL. The viewport can be changed with the arrow keys. I wrote it
in Free Pascal.
If you want to play around with it, then you can get it here.
There is a win32 executable (main.exe), but that will probably flash away too fast on any
modern computer.
To compile natively under linux you need the following packages (for debian): fp-compiler, fp-units-rtl, fp-units-i386, fp-units-misc, fp-units-base. (you need to download them from sourceforge, as debian doesn't include them anymore)
To compile:
andrew@charon:~/Hanoi Tornyai$ fpc main.pasTo Run:
andrew@charon:~/Hanoi Tornyai$ ./main
- Compiling on windows shouldn't be much more complicated
- To slow down the animation, decrease the value of the Add constant on the 15th line of main.pas
- To change the number of disks, edit the value of N on the 16th line of main.pas